Advocate and Champion For Women’s Rights in the Workplace
Author, Speaker and Consultant
Suits and Skirts : Game On!
The Battle for Corporate Power
Men, we’re talking to you.
The premise of Suits and Skirts: Game On! The Battle for Corporate Power is simple: Women have been seeking power equity for decades to no avail. Men are keeping women from attaining powerful C-Suite and boardroom positions to the detriment of corporate bottom lines. The reasons why vary, but the results do not; women are still highly underrepresented in leadership roles.
Suits and Skirts is different than other books on this subject because it is a successful woman CEO speaking directly to the men blocking women’s corporate advancement. This no-holds-barred discussion will ruffle many feathers. Now, Teresa Freeborn is demanding men immediately reevaluate their behavior and become women’s advocates instead of adversaries. Freeborn is calling men out and demanding change.

A welcome fresh addition to any corporation’s DEI initiatives. Challenging and what you would expect from a successful female CEO who has seen and lived it all. An opportunity to gain real perspective on what might not be working in your corporation, what the real barriers to women are and potential solutions… and not from another man but from a woman. And, guess what…your shareholders might just thank you.”
– Richard H. Cruickshank KC, Counsel, Dentons
Equal representation of women in c-suites and boardrooms is imperative for any organization, community, or culture to thrive. Suites and Skirts is a powerful reminder of the responsibility we all have, especially those currently in power, to be an ally, champion, and role model for challenging the status quo and driving change. Be bold, be loud, be inclusive.
– Brett Martinez, President/CEO, Redwood Credit Union
“Speaking directly to C-level men and corporations, Teresa calls out systemic bias against women in the workplace, spelling out exactly what women think, while offering highly executable solutions for corporate and societal change. A must read!”
– Dianne Gubin, Co-CEO, C-Sweet.
If this book doesn’t motivate men to step up and relinquish power or women to push for faster change in the corporate arena, I don’t know what will. This book eloquently yet boldly addresses the threads of the patriarchal fabric of Corporate America with clear reasons why their unraveling will result not in our demise but in our collective evolution. In this book, Teresa gives clear actions men should be taking today to play their part in moving humanity forward and it’s high time they listen up.
– Cassandra Worthy, Speaker, Author, and Corporate Consultant